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snippet: Agricultural Soils of the US derived from gSSURGO data. Show soils capable of agriculture. Areas may not be in agricultural production.
summary: Agricultural Soils of the US derived from gSSURGO data. Show soils capable of agriculture. Areas may not be in agricultural production.
extent: [[-129.158188735897,22.8784628133397],[-64.0474154060126,51.6051109433417]]
accessInformation: USDA
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Agricultural Soils of the US derived from gSSURGO data. Show soils capable of agriculture. Areas may not be in agricultural production. Layers were created by joining gSSURGO 2015 data with the Final Map Unit Table from April 2015 and reclassifying the data using the frmlndcl attribute field. Data have been compiled over 100 years at different resolutions and for different scales of administrative units The Soils Suitable for Agriculture layer represents areas listed as farmland without modifiers and qualifiers. It excludes areas that require irrigation, protection from flooding, removal of salts, or other special treatment.
title: Agricultural Soils of the US
type: Map Service
tags: ["AG","Soils","Agriculture"]
culture: en-US
name: SoilsSuitableForAgriculture
guid: 4526202E-2113-4FF6-BF2D-B84804D00F7A
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere